Sarah DeLong

Sarah DeLong
Saratoga Springs, Utah
United States

I teach slow, interoception-focused, gentle and restorative yoga classes for folks who either haven’t felt they fit in at studios or have avoided yoga classes because they don't like the stereotype. My classes don’t have soundtracks and are spaces for students to embrace their inner guide. I teach the classes I wish I would have had, during my seven-year journey, when I was attending studio classes and feeling inadequate, overstimulated, and awkward. My teaching style often overlaps with my training in and passion for intuitive, holistic cooking and my interest in ancient paganism as a reflection of humans and our ecosystem. After completing my 200YTT in January 2020, I began studying trauma-informed yoga and yoga as a community tool for those experiencing substance abuse, addiction, body dysphoria, homelessness, domestic abuse, oppression, and marginalization.

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