Sheelah Rodriguez

Sheelah Rodriguez
Kelowna, BC
Certified Yoga Teacher and Recreation Therapist specializing in yoga for chronic pain and physical rehabilitation. Certificates in Rainbow Kids Yoga, Love Your Brain Yoga and Yoga for All.

Sheelah has worked with people of diverse abilities for over ten years and began teaching yoga to children, youth and adults with diverse needs in 2014 through her business AdaptAbility Yoga. Over the years, she has worked with incredible people and supported their varying needs with yoga and meditation. Her direction began to shift as her health began to increasingly impact her day to day life. Migraines, endometriosis, anxiety, depression and, in 2016, open-heart surgery have led Sheelah on a different yoga path. Through all the health complications, she has continuously turned back to yoga and meditation to support her with pain, discomfort, stress, anxiety, mood and overall well-being. Though she still works with diverse abilities, her training has expanded to include teaching yoga for rehabilitation; including pre-post surgery, brain injury, endometriosis, cardiac disease, seniors and more. As a Recreation Therapist & Yoga Instructor, Sheelah supports individuals to become happier, healthier versions of themselves!

  • AdaptAbility Yoga