Rachele Rose

Rachele Rose - Portait
Royal Oak, Michigan
Rachele offers adaptable, accessible, and body positive yoga classes that incorporate essential yoga principles. Yoga for All meets you where you are and teaches you the tools to safely practice yoga in your own unique body.

My name is Rachele (Ray•chell) Rose (she/her) and I am an Adaptable Yoga Teacher and Intuitive Energy Healing Practitioner with a deep passion for supporting folx on cultivating well-being and freedom in their body and mind.

I created Rose Gold Energy in 2018 with a mission to provide equitable, inclusive, and heart-centered healing practices. As a queer, cis-gender woman who experiences chronic pain, I am acutely aware of the inequities underrepresented groups experience. I am committed to using my privilege to support and uplift all folx, especially LGBTQIA2S+, BIPOC, and the chronic pain community.

For 18 years my career centered upon being creative through graphic design, web design, marketing, and communications; however, in my early 30s I was diagnosed with anxiety, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and costochondritis. I knew something had to change. I began my healing journey with the support of a few amazing lightworkers who introduced me to yoga, energy healing, and how to tap into my intuitive gifts. I’ve since learned to be grateful for these conditions because they taught me the importance of taking time to balance my mind and body, and they have guided me on the purposeful and humbling path of heart-centered collective care.

In 2021 I took a big leap and quit my full-time job. I had faith that if I pursued a heart-centered path the Universe would support me, and I also knew I could no longer knowingly contribute to my chronic pain. Shortly after I made this decision many new opportunities arose. I still dabble in design part-time, but my main focus has shifted to supporting folx on cultivating well-being and freedom in their body and mind.

In my free time you’ll find me spending quality time with my wife and family, learning about different cultures, taking walks in nature, and sampling the latest organic teas. I also still enjoy being creative through graphic and web design, as well as the occasional hands-on craft.

Fun facts: My favorite color is rainbow and my favorite song is I Am Light by India Arie. I am also a Taurus who loves the healing energy of the ocean.

With love and gratitude,

Rachele Rose

  • Rachele Rose - Easy Seat
  • Rachele Rose - Triangle Pose