Jana Huffman

Jana Huffman
United States
I began practicing yoga in 2006 to stretch and strengthen to support my running. I fell in love with the beautiful mind and body connection - so much so that in 2016 I sought my 200-hour certification at the Yoga Center of Minneapolis so I could share! I completed my program and since 2017 have taught in-person and virtually in a variety of spaces including studios, fitness centers, as well as in community spaces such as supportive housing, shelters, and in business settings.

I’m committed to holding a brave and accepting space for all kinds of people with various bodies, backgrounds, and abilities to find joyful movement and breathe deeply.

Practicing with me will offer you a sweet time to notice where you are at, to then be in your best place to love the world well in your unique way.

CPR and AED Certified

Additional Training -

Yin Yoga Certification with Tara Cindy Sherman (April 2018)

Restorative Yoga with Yess Yoga (March 2019)

SilverSneakers Yoga (September 2021)

Yoga for All (January 2022)

Chair Yoga (June 2022)